Integrate Ads

Written By Rachana TR ()

Updated at November 18th, 2022

Ads Integration

  • This includes a space for DFP network ID

    We support Ad manager(DFP Network ID), copy-paste the Network ID from Admanager. If the current website has the Admangager, you will be able to get the Ad manager ID from the site URL/API/v1/config.

    Ads Layout allow us to select 3 predefined ad/banners type with different size. Leaderboard (720x90), Super leaderboard (970x90), Billboard (970x250). However, there is another ad layout called Custom. In this, we need to add the custom code and it will reflect on the front end. 

    Whereas for Leaderboard (720x90), Super leaderboard (970x90), and Billboard (970x250), we need to add a “targeting ID” in the page builder which we can get from Adsense to render ads at the front end.

    This is how Ads layout looks like:


  • An option to lazy load DFP ads
    You will be able to increase the page speed by enabling “lazy load DFP Ads” and the site loads faster.


  •           There is One more option to display ads at the front end. It is by selecting “Custom Widget”.               Under Custom we can add either code from Adsense or customized code that will display ads.