Story Performance - Analytics

Written By Rachana TR (Administrator)

Updated at November 2nd, 2022

Table of Contents

Use the Story Analytics feature to understand how well your stories are performing. The Analytics feature is available only to users with the required permissions. Data from the last 90 days is used by Quintype to generate these reports.

  1. In the Quintype Menu, select Analytics > Story Analytics.
  2. You can specify filters from the two drop-down lists (Top Stories, Authors, or Sections and Views, Unique Visits, or Shares).
  3. In addition, you can click the Filters icon and select specific Tags, Authors, Story Types, etc from the Filters dialog to further refine your search. 
    To deselect a filter applied through the Filters dialog, click the x mark shown against that filter.
  4. You can share the current view you're looking at with another user via a URL. 
    The user will have to be signed in to Quintype to be able to view the page.
  5. Click the Share button to do so. 
    Copy the URL that is displayed. You can share this with another user via any means.


    Quintype’s performance analytics only takes into account data for the story pages and does not account for ‘hits’ on the homepage or section pages of your website. It also does not account for access data from content aggregation apps like Dailyhunt, UC News, etc., If your website has Google Analytics implemented for aggregator partners, it is likely that you will see some discrepancy in the analytics data when you compare the two sets of data. Our data includes people who visit the website, AMP pages or Instant Articles.